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You will find on this database some research projects at the cutting edge of economics and psychology. Bridging the gap between the two disciplines has nothing to do with chance. When you roll away from purely theoretical economics, you need psychology to understand irrationality, to observe behaviors, to conduct research and to promote conclusions toward potential concrete applications.


From the purely scientific purpose to the business application, there are many fields of interest where academic research can fit professional matters in terms of problem solving, decision making and creative reinforcement. Among these fields, we think of consulting, marketing, communication, social policy and human resources.


We aim to build a database of our works with a relevant application to professional matters. Applied psychology seeks precisely what research conclusions can be applied to concrete fields. Therefore, the conclusions we drew from our research may be applied to the fields previously listed. You will find here an overview of the projects we have undertaken and a description of our personalities.

                                                                                                                                                 Grégoire Haftman, EcoPsycho database founder.


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